It's time for change.

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We can end police brutality.


Be Safe

Practice social distancing, wear a mask.
Read more about staying safe.

Remain Peaceful

Don't burn down your own house. Film, document, and speak up against those who do.

Film and Document

Film and document as much as you can.


Remain strong, we can do it.


Local, state, and federal.
Check your registration-

Phase 1: Needs

Independent Investigation and Prosecution

Cases should not rely on the police investigating themselves.

Body Cams and Filming of Police

Cameras protect both police and citizens. Require body and dash cams, ban the police from taking recording devices.


Re-evaluate current training practices. Require regular retraining and re-evaluation. Focus on de-escalation and community building.

Decriminalize minor offenses, end racist policies such as stop-and-frisk.

Jaywalking should not get you killed.

Limit reach and use of force.

Deadly force should be a last resort. Re-evaluate the use of "Resisting Arrest". End no-knock warrants. Demilitarize the police.

Collection of data.

Due to a lack of data current practices are unable to be evaluated on usefulness and harmfulness. Establish a publicly accessible, online, database tracking all police conduct.

Phase 2: Needs

There is a lot of work ahead of us.

Police brutality and the disproportionate targeting of minorities is merely a symptom of the disease. America has deep rooted racial issues that require institutional changes. Centuries of systematic racism, enforced, promoted, and endorsed by the state won't disappear overnight.